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Awang Juenyi, a Tibetan monk with the Tibetan name Ngawang Choenyi, is a scholar-monk and a sutra teacher at Drepung Monastery.

Tantric Institute in Lhasa, Tibet.

Since he became a monk at an early age, he has been studying at the Drepung Monastery Tantric Institute in Lhasa, Tibet, and has been one of the main disciples of Lamrim Rinpoche, a famous Tibetan Buddhist teacher, and has been established as a sutra teacher (i.e., a monk who is proficient in Buddhist sutras, also known as a teacher of Buddhist sutras) by the Drepung Monastery Tantric Institute. The government has not appointed him, so he has been regarded as a dissident by the authorities and has been the target of long-standing surveillance and suppression because of his close association with him.

On March 10, 2008, 350 monks from Drepung Monastery joined a massive protest in Tibetan areas, mainly by monks, to make the authorities realize (or fulfill) the political demands of the Tibetan people for "autonomy and independence" and to call for the Dalai Lama to be allowed to return to his homeland. On March 10, 350 monks from his Drepung monastery also participated in the protest, which soon extended to the entire Lhasa city area and Tibetan areas in Sichuan and Qinghai; in response, the Tibetan authorities soon dispatched a large number of armed police officers to control the protest, and confrontations and clashes occurred between the two sides, after which many monks were arrested and the rest were returned to the monastery under strict guard; although he had not participated in the protest, he was arrested by the Lhasa police on April 11, 2008 on suspicion of Although he did not participate in the protest, he was arrested by the Lhasa police on April 11, 2008 on suspicion of "participating in protest activities," and has been out of contact for a long time since then; two other monks who were friends and scholars of Drepung monastery were also arrested together; later, he was formally arrested by the Lhasa City Prosecutor's Office for "failing to prevent the monks of Drepung monastery from holding a large-scale protest"; in June 2010 In June 2010, after 2 years of prolonged detention, he was sentenced by the Lhasa Intermediate Court to 15 years in prison on unknown charges until April 10, 2023; he has been missing for a long time, and there is no information about his situation in prison.

Currently, it is suspected that he is serving his sentence in Lhasa Qushui prison.

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